The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation 



Here you can read about when the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Academy of Architecture, Design and Conservation (KADK) registers the personal information you provide, why we need to save them and how they are handled. 

The Academy processes and records information about persons who are in contact with the us, mainly employees, emeriti, students, applicants, visiting researchers, participants in research projects or conferences - or simply subscribers to our publications.

Applied acts and articles 

As data controller under the General Data Protection Regulation, The Academy is obliged to inform all data subjects about their rights in respect of processing of their data. 

Personal data is registered in accordance with Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation. Sensible data, i.e. data on health or data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, and data concerning a person’s sexual relations and sexual orientation is registered in accordance with Article 9 of the said Regulation. Processing of sensible data in research projects is covered by Section 10 of the Act on Data Protection. According to this Act, The Academy may only process sensible personal data and data concerning criminal convictions and offences, if the processing is aimed at statistical or scientific studies with potential public interest and if the processing is necessary to conduct the studies. 

Processing and storage 

The Academy processes personal data confidentially. Personal data will be processed and stored in The Academy's it-systems. When the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected, it is deleted or filed in The Academy's records. 

The Academy may store the data if it is part of a lawsuit or if The Academy is considering using the data in a lawsuit. 

Disclosure of information 

Information will not be disclosed to anyone without the data subject being informed unless The Academy is obliged to disclose the information to other public authorities or unions/accredited representatives. 

Research data from official statistics and registers will only be disclosed for statistical or scientific purposes. 

As part of The Academy's treatment of salaries and staff, The Academy is required to disclose information to the Modernization Board, (Moderniseringsstyrelsen) which is considered joint data controller. The Academy is also required to disclose information to the tax authorities (SKAT) and in connection with wage negotiations also to unions/accredited representatives. These are considered to be independent data controllers. 


Data insight 

Data subjects may contact The Academy at any time to obtain copies of the information stored in The Academy's recordsor filing systems. 

The Academy is not obliged to hand over copies of information from research projects. 

Correction of information 

If the data subject believes that incorrect information has been stored, they may ask The Academy to correct the information. The information will be corrected accordingly or it will be noted in the files that the person concerned has asked for a correction. 

The data subject is entitled to the information being ignored until it is decided which information is correct. Data subjects are also entitled to request that The Academy does not use the information if it is no longer needed. 

Participants in research projects are not entitled to correction of research data. 


Data subjects have the right to object to the processing of information unless The Academy processes the information as part of a task assigned to The Academy by other authorities. However, participants in a research projects do not have the right to object to the processing of their own data in the project. 

Withdrawal of consent and the right to erasure of information 

If The Academy has obtained the consent of a data subject to process information, the data subject may at any time withdraw the consent. If the consent is withdrawn, The Academy may not continue to process information after the consent has been withdrawn. 

The data subject has the right to erasure of information recorded by The Academy provided the information is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.  

The information must be erased also when the data subject withdraws the consent or in case the information has been processed unlawfully by mistake. The data subject has, however, no right to erasure of information that has been filed in the The Academy's archives in accordance with the Archives Act. 

Information in a research project may not be erased if this is likely to mean that it will be impossible or gravely impede the conclusion of the research project. 

Data Protection Officer 

The Academy has a data protection officer whom data subjects may contact with any questions relating to the data processing. The data protection officer can be contacted at  


Data subjects are entitled to log complaints about the processing of their data to the Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) via

The Academy's Cookie and privacy policy on websites uses cookies for traffic measurement and optimization of our website. 


About cookies 
A cookie is a small text file, which is placed on your computer or other device. It makes it possible for us to recognize your computer and gather information about which pages and functions are visited with your computer. Cookies contain only anonymous information. 


Cookies are used by most websites and are in many cases essential for the website to work properly.  


Cookies on 
We use cookies to gather statistics about the users’ visits via the widespread statistics service Google Analytics 

to improve the user experience and the functionality on our website. 


Avoid the cookies  
If you wish to decline the use of cookies now or in the future, you can change the permission in your browser settings. You block for the use of cookies from this and other websites by adding the domain under settings in your browser. 


What happens if I say no to cookies? 
If you choose to decline cookies in your browser, your device will not be tracked when you browse the internet. However, please note that by declining cookies you will automatically also not allow a lot of functionality on various websites and they may not work correctly. 


We hope your insight about how cookies work on our webside has increased. 


Social media 

The Academy displays content from a variety of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on our websites. Cookies are used for example to remember login information.  

Cookies are used from: 

  • Facebook 

  • Twitter 

  • Instagram 

  • YouTube 

These cookies collect both anonymous data and personally identifiable data including IP-address and page visited, and the data may be shared with third parties. If you are logged into one of these services, it is possible for providers to combine the data with your profile. 

You can manage the way Facebook personalises ads here: 

You can manage the way Instagram personalises ads here: 

You can manage the way Twitter personalises ads here: 



The Academy uses cookies to promote for example select programmes or courses. Cookies are used to target campaigns and to follow up on the impact of campaigns. For this purpose we use, among others: 

  • Google Adwords 

  • Facebook 

  • DoubleClick 

These cookies store both anonymous data and can also store personally identifiable data. Providers may share the data with third parties. 

Use of personal data 

We never collect personal information without you having provided us with this information, for example by registering for an event or signing up for a newsletter, etc. In this case, the information typically collected is your name, address, postal code, email, field of study or your interests. The Academy does not transfer or sell any personal data to third parties. 

Protection of personal data 

According to the Data Protection Act and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), your personal data must be kept secure and confidential. We store your personal information on computers with limited access, which are located in controlled facilities, and our security measures are continually reviewed in order to determine if our user information is handled responsibly and in accordance with your rights as a user. However, we cannot guarantee 100 percent security for data transfers over the Internet. This means that there can be a risk of unauthorised outsiders deliberately accessing the protected data when data is transferred and stored electronically. Thus, you are providing your personal information at your own risk. 

The rapid development of the Internet may necessitate changes to the way in which we process personal information. We therefore reserve the right to update and amend these guidelines for the processing of personal data. 

Contact regarding personal data 

Under the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to know what personal data can be attributed to you in cases where personal data about you is being processed. If it appears that the information or data processed about you is incorrect or misleading, you have the right to demand that it be corrected, deleted or blocked. You may at any time object to the processing of information about you. You may also revoke your consent at any given time. 

You also have the right to be deleted from The Academy's databases (Right to be erased) and the right to have all history of your conduct be deleted (Right to be forgotten). 

You have the option to appeal against the processing of information and data relating to you. The complaint must be filed with the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet), cf. Section 58 (1) of the Law on personal data. 

If you want to be notified about which data The Academy is storing, please use the contact information below. 

Owner information 

This website is provided by: 

The Royal Danish Academy, Architecture, Design and Conservation 
Philip De Langes Allé 10,  
1435 Copenhagen 
Tel: +45 41 70 15 00 